National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB
Find Adventure For Veterans Across The USA.

How to Use the US Vet Connect Inc.'s National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB:
Explore Activities:
Start by browsing the activity tiles above on the homepage.
Double-click on your favorite activity to dive into your niche interest.
Find Organizations:
You'll be directed to a list of veteran organizations across the USA, organized by state and alphabetically.
Click on the "Learn More" button or the organization's unique logo to visit their profile.
Discover Charity Profiles:
Each charity profile provides essential information about the organization and the adventures they offer along with their contact info.
Share your favorite profiles with yourself friends and family on social media
Connect Directly:
Reach out to the veteran organization directly to get on their unique schedule for your desired adventure and secure your spot.
Alternative Navigation: The Map
Use our interactive map to locate outdoor charities and organizations near you or explore options across the country.
Easily navigate to their profiles through the map.
Join the Community:
Check out our new Groups feature to find like-minded veterans, start conversations, ask questions, or simply start a conversation about what's happening in your areas of interest.
The National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB
I am an Honorably Discharged US Veteran looking for...