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205 West Henderson Rd Columbus, Ohio 43214


We don’t conquer the Mountains,

we conquer Ourselves.


What makes Summit for Soldiers unique?

The Mission of Summit for Soldiers is to provide community and peer-to-peer support, camaraderie and encouragement to struggling veterans and their families through Outreach, Education and our  “Adven-Therapy” programs intended to remove the “Isolation” that can often lead to Suicide.

Our Vision is to provide veterans and their families a means of  “escape and reset” through our adventure programs and activities, by removing them from their isolation, encouraging them to reach out for help, join us in our mission to eliminate the stigma and promote early detection and treatment for service-related mental health issues, and ultimately to eradicate Veteran Suicides. 


Who can sign up to participate?

veterans and their families


What type of activity?

Mountaineering Club 


How Much Does It Cost?


Get connected with Summit for Soldiers

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