National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB
Find Adventure For Veterans Across The USA.

PO Box 855 Custer, SD 57730
What makes Operation Black Hills Cabin unique?
We are one of the very few organizations that helps the entire family, not just the veteran. Our one-week respite enables the family to reconnect away from the distractions of doctor appointments, physical therapy, and all those things they now are faced with due to injuries and absence. They are able to visit many of the Black Hills area attractions or simply relax at the cabin and do nothing. Their week is scheduled by them allowing them to enjoy family time as well as fun.
Who can sign up to participate?
Active Duty service members and Veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedom; Operation Iraqi Freedom; or Operation New Dawn, who were Combat Injured at a minimum of 30%. OR a Medal of Honor Recipient from OEF, OIF or OND. OR Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) members.
What type of activity?
Exploring the Black Hills of South Dakota. Each family is given a variety of coupons to use during their week. These will vary but include many meals, recreational activities such as fishing, hiking, and exploring, as well as visits to many of the top attractions such as Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Caves, and Custer State Park.
How much does it cost?
Once they arrive, the only cost to the family would be additional purchases such as souvenirs, gas to travel within the area or items not provided for by coupons. The week-long stay in the completely furnished cabin is free and each family is given 30-40 coupons for free food, attractions and recreational activities.
How long does the activity last?
A week-long respite
What if I need help getting there? Travel and lodging? Getting to Custer, South Dakota, is the responsibility of the family. HOWEVER, due to grants received and donations from many individuals and organizations, we are able to provide each family upon arrival, a substantial amount of transportation assistance in the form of a VISA card to spend as they wish.
Note:We operate in the months of May through September, and typically host 18 - 20 families per season on a first come basis.