National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB
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Deep Sea Valkyries
Call: (602) 576-0129
Nassau, Bahamas
Servicing the USA
What makes the organization unique?
Deep Sea Valkyries is a combat trauma counseling program that utilizes scuba as an alternative form of therapy. Our primary programs are week long intensive retreats in which our Veterans are "at sea" the entire time. During their week with us, they receive more than 30 hours of group and individual counseling with licensed clinicians that are also combat Veterans. They also dive 3-4 times a day as regardless of physical disability or injury, they can participate in the activity. Veterans do not have to be dive certified to apply, they work with local shops to conduct their training prior to the retreat.
They also offer a spring reunion retreat each year in which Veterans have the opportunity to return with a friend or family member and pay it forward to another group of Veterans.
As funding is available we conduct conservation dive trips in which past participants can join in various locations to assist in the project.
Retreat Application deadlinges:
December 1st: Application submission window opens
December 31st: Application submission window closes
Early January: Applications reviewed and board selection
Mid January: Participants selected and notified
Spring: Dive training for those not already certified. Documents and travel packets built; participants must provide proof of airline itinerary and DAN insurance.
Valkyrie Voyages are week long clinical counseling retreats on live-aboard ships. voyages approach healing from a holistic point of view focusing on our program's three pillars: Mind, Body, soul.
Who can sign up to participate:
Veterans/Law Enforcement/First Responders.
How Much Does It Cost?:
What kind of activities are offered?
Scuba Diving
How Long Do The Activities Last?:
Voyages are approximately one week.
Does the organization have a calender of events?: