National Veterans Outdoors Resource HUB
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Mental Restorations Foundation
Call 808-315-5594
P.O. BOX 10896, Hawaii.
Hawaii: Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Pahoa, Waimea, Kau, Honolulu, Oahu, Maui, Kauai
What makes Mental Restorations Foundation unique?:
In helping others, we help ourselves.
Who Can Sign Up to Participate?:
Active Duty Military, Veterans, "Family of Fallen", First Responders & at Risk Youth
How much does it cost to participate:
What kind of activities are offered by the organization?:
They provide a variety of outdoor activities & services to better our community such as:
Boat Fishing, Shoreline Fishing, Canoeing, Sailing, Hiking, Farming, Classic Car Clubs/Shows
& other related activities.
They also have farm days & raised bed gardens that help their members and community with food security & sustainability. They also do beach clean-ups & assist in different community cleanup events.
How long do the activities last? :
Anywhere from 2 to 6 hours,
Depending on the type of activity or event.