2149 Denton Road Suite 1, Dothan, AL 36303
What makes WarHawgs unique?
We utilize outdoor recreation through night time hog hunts and outdoor retreats to combat PTSD, by allowing the Veteran to decompress from everyday life. This is done with others like him or in a one on one setting.
Who can sign up to participate?
Veterans, Active Duty and First Responders.
What type of activity?
hog hunting and outdoor retreats (coming spring of 2020)
How Much Does It Cost?
Honorably Discharged Veterans, Active Duty and First Responders is Free
How long does activity last?
One night on the Hog Hunts and 3 Days on the Retreats
What if I need help getting there? Travel and lodging? We will take care of lodging but not travel.
Do you have a calendar of future events?